Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used for various healthcare and research purposes such as detection of disease, detecting links between genetic codes, administration of chronic situations, delivery of health services, maximizing hospital efficiency, drug discovery etc.
Use of AI in healthcare:
For Accurate diagnosis of disease
AI has an ability to surpass human doctors and help them diagnose, predict and detect diseases more accurately and quickly. In recent years, Artificial intelligence (AI) has extended to new heights in clinical cancer research. AI is applied to assist cancer diagnosis and prognosis, due to its highest accuracy level, which is much better than that of general statistical experts. AI has immense potential to contribute remarkably at every stage of cancer management ranging from reliable early detection, determination of infiltrative tumor margins during surgical treatment, stratification, response to drugs/therapy, tracking tumor evolution and potential acquired resistance to treatments over time, prediction of tumor aggressiveness, metastasis pattern, recurrence etc.
Clinical Decisions Support (CDS)
With the correct data, combination methods, and workforce in place, machine learning has the capacity to advance clinical decision support and deliver optimal care. Clinical decision support (CDS) tools have the potential to analyze and evaluate large volumes of data and recommend next steps for treatment, point out potential problems and enhance team efficiency.
For diagnosing patients, a large amount of information about patients should be taken into consideration by the doctor. If there’s an error in keeping track of even a single relevant fact, the life of a patient could be put at risk. But with the help of AI’s Natural Language Processing(NLP), doctors can squeeze all relevant information from patient reports. Artificial Intelligence can store and process large sets of data, which can provide knowledge databases and recommendations that can provide information relevant to particular patients, reminders for preventive care, and alerts about potentially dangerous situations.
AI chat bots for primary care
AI Chat bots incorporated with smart algorithms can provide instant answers to health related issues and concerns, can help doctors, nurses, patients or their families through organizing patient pathways, taking appointments, medication management, first aid, helping in emergency situations, offering a solution for simpler medical issues etc. This will ease the burden on doctors by enabling smooth flow so that doctors can give more attention on critical and crucial cases. Since these chatbots can work on 24/7, they can deal with many patients at the same time.
Surgeries through Robots
Artificial intelligence is being applied to surgical robotics. AI can decide patterns within surgical methods to enhance best practices and to refine a surgical robots’ control accuracy to sub millimeter precision. AI empowered robots have revolutionized surgeries in terms of their speed, and depth while making delicate incisions.
Surgical robots are capable of controlling the trajectory, speed and depth of their movements with great accuracy. They are specially adapted for procedures that require the same, repetitive movements as they are able to work without fatigue. Robots can also remain completely still for as long as needed and can go where traditional tools cannot. Due to its accuracy, there is no fear of any unidentified or accidental movements during the surgery.
Drug Creation
Evolving new drugs with clinical trials is a time and money consuming task. AI can scan the existing medicines and then redesign them so that they can fight against a particular disease with effectiveness. AI is already helping drug discovery – it can help identify drug targets, find good molecules from data libraries, suggest chemical modifications, identify candidates for repurposing and so on.